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Extra info for San Francisco Botanical Garden at Strybing Arboretum List of Taxa in Living Collections

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Leucopogon colensoi............................................................ Leucopogon lanceolatus....................................................... Leucopogon lanceolatus var. gracilis.................................. Leucopogon parviflorus........................................................ Pentachondra pumila............................................................. Richea acerosa....................................................................... Dove-berry Richea gunnii..........................................................................

Dudleya farinosa-blue form................................................... Kalanchoe longiflora.............................................................. Dudleya farinosa-green form................................................ Kalanchoe mangini................................................................ Dudleya farinosa-white form................................................. Kalanchoe paniculata............................................................ Dudleya greenei.....................................

LaevigataContra Costa manzanita Arctostaphylos tomentosa hybrid........................................ Arctostaphylos x media......................................................... Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 'Emerald Carpet'........................... Arctostaphylos montaraensis................ Montara manzanita Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 'Miniature'...................................... Arctostaphylos montereyensis............ Monterey manzanita Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 'Point Reyes'.................................

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San Francisco Botanical Garden at Strybing Arboretum List of
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