By Anne Ophelia Dowden
Discusses the significance of forests, the components and cycles of bushes, the services of plants and end result, the distinct good points of conifers, and the woodland areas within the usa.
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The Blossom on the Bough: A Book of Trees
Discusses the significance of forests, the elements and cycles of bushes, the services of flora and end result, the designated good points of conifers, and the wooded area areas within the usa.
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Many growth toward of them, like dogwood, shadhush, and redbud, have beautiful (lowers, and they also have the charm of being within easy reach. the bark trees. the trees in the Northeastern Forest, about fifteen can be considered especially important^beautiful detail, wide can touch and examine the leaves and winter buds, an intimacy not always possible with large Of One in outline and impressive in size, valuable for timber, plentiful in a area. They of this book. SHADBUSH are Many marked with two stars in the list at the end of these fine trees have been brought into cultivation An and are widely planted in parks elm-bordered road land grow village, in climate plied may and on be the trademark of a city streets.
Tiny, inconspicuous (lowers are nearly always the mark of a wind-pollinated plant, but there are exceptions to the rule. Some trees, especially maples and willows, are polli- nated by insects even though they appear to be perfect windflowers. Possibly in their early history they and have changed over speaking. Red maple were wind-pollinated to insects in recent times, geologically florets, for instance, have only color to suggest their relationship to insects ; their bright everything else about them seems designed for the wind-^their small their pistils and stamens SHAGBARK HICKORY in separate flowers, size, their habit of blooming before the leaves appear.
Pines, spruces, firs, cedars— all these are gymnosperms. Most gymnosperms are evergreen, but some, like the tamarack, shed their leaves in Even winter. the evergreen leaves eventually fall, but they time— as much as seventeen years in a bristlecone pine. Most gymnosperms bear their seeds in cones, but some do not the seeds of yew grow in bright red sometimes cling for a very long : berrylike cups. leaves, And though some, fertilizing ovules most have needle-shaped or scale-shaped like method of practically the same the ginkgo, do not.
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