By Andy H. Register
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7 is quite adequate. In Afghanistan from 1982, this most effective of Russian close support jets worked to perfect joint tactics with the Mi-24 Hind attack helicopters. Just visible is the differently configured outermost pylon of the five under each wing; this mounts the AA-8 Aphid self-defense missile. Afghan combat experience led to various modifications from around 1988, including integral flare dispensers in the tail and above the engine tailpipes, the latter flanked by an airscoop to bleed cooling air into the exhaust wash; internal armor was fitted to prevent fire spreading from one engine to the other.
The Fencer is quite capable of operating out of rough improvised airfields or dirt roads if required, and the landing gear and other elements of the airframe were designed with that in mind. The air intakes, well aft of the cockpit, have variable intake ramps. The fin is a large single unit with a housing for the braking parachute stowed directly over the nozzles; huge stabilators provide tremendous roll or pitch authority. Like the Aardvark, the Su-24 uses a variablegeometry wing; sweep angle stops are 16, 45 and about 60 degrees.
That was in 1969, and of course it took years of effort on the part of thousands of men and women to bring the preliminary design to maturity; the prototype finally flew for the first time in May 1977. That first version was designated the T-10, and its development program was plagued with crashes and delays. One of the prototypes was stripped of all extra weight - including paint - and used to challenge numerous performance records between 1986 and 1988. That aircraft, designated P-42, captured 27 records, many from a similarly strippeddown version of the F-15 (the "Streak Eagle").
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