By D. R. Hill (eds.)

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The intensity is proportional to the number of packets or photons. The electrons being struck by a photon gain energy- some of this energy is expended in escaping and the rest appears as kinetic energy. The least tightly bound electrons emerge with the maximum kinetic energy. There is seen to be a linear relationship between the frequency of the incident light photon and the energy of emitted electron. It can be shown that the energy of the incident photon is given by : - E = h f where f =frequency of photon and h = (Planck's) Constant.

The nucleus is composed of neutrons and protons which occupy energy levels in much the same way as electrons. e. neutron or proton) jumps from one energy level to a lower one, a gamma-ray photon is released. The energy difference between levels is, however, much larger than that between electron levels. The rate of emission is unaffected by the chemical or physical state of the atom. It is only dependent on the kind and number of nuclei. the rate continually decreases and the time it takes for the rate to halve is often quoted.

Before considering measurement let us put into perspective the amou:1ts of radiation to which the population is exposed. g. Carboc1 14) Medical Radiology and other industrial sources Nuclear fall-out Total in :nillirad per year 50 25 25 20 1 121 Some illnesses can be caused by radiation or as a result of ''natural causes''. There is no way of differentiating between the illness produced :Jy radiation and one arising from other causes. Only by ·•observation'' on a statistical basis ca:1 we establish, qua_1titatively, an effect of radiation.

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Principles of Diagnostic X-Ray Apparatus by D. R. Hill (eds.)
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