By Char B.W., Geddes K.O., et al.
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51) The second equation that is needed for the computation of the values of k 1 and k 2 is found from dv dt dv dt other initial condition, that is, i L 0 = 2 A . *t));... vT=v1+v2; plot(t,v1,t,v2,t,vT); grid; xlabel('t');... 12. , and the maximum voltage is approximately 24 V . 55), set it equal to zero, and solve for t . 57) A useful quantity, especially in electronic circuit analysis, is the settling time, denoted as t S , and it is defined as the time required for the voltage to drop to 1% of its maximum value.
5 Solution: This is the same circuit as the that of the two previous examples except that the resistance has been increased to 50 : . 96 and as before, 2 1 1 Z 0 = ------- = ---------------------------- = 64 LC 10 u 1 e 640 Also, Z 20 ! D 2P . 8 Since v f = 0 , the total response is just the natural response. 69) and the constants k and M will be evaluated from the initial conditions. 69), we evaluate it at t = 0 , we write the equation which describes the circuit at t = 0 + , and we equate these two expressions.
26. 11 Solutions to Exercises Dear Reader: The remaining pages on this chapter contain the solutions to the exercises. You must, for your benefit, make an honest effort to find the solutions to the exercises without first looking at the solutions that follow. It is recommended that first you go through and work out those you feel that you know. For the exercises that you are uncertain, review this chapter and try again. Refer to the solutions as a last resort and rework those exercises at a later date.
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