By Caner Özdemir; Wiley InterScience (Online service)

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Edge/Tip Scattering. Another type of EM scattering occurs when an EM wave impinges with an edge or a corner (Fig. 1e) or a tip (Fig. 1f) of an object. For such situations, the wave scatters in all directions, and this type of reflection is often called diffraction. When an EM wave hits an edge, some energy reflects in the backward direction, some scatters in the direction that makes Snell’s angle with one plate, some scatters in the direction that makes Snell’s angle with the other plate, and the rest of the energy reflects in all other directions.

The other dispersive returns with decreasing energy levels can also be easily observed from the spectrogram plot. As the wave travels on the dielectric-coated wire more and more, it is slanted more on the JTF plane, as expected. 4 CONVOLUTION AND MULTIPLICATION USING FT Convolution and multiplication of signals are often used in radar signal processing. 13, convolution is the inverse operation of multiplication as the FT is concerned, and vice versa. This useful feature of the FT is widely used in signal and image processing applications.

7) Therefore, σ in the above equation can be left alone to give σ = 4π R 2 Ws . 8) The formal equation of RCS can be easily obtained as the following: Ws   σ = lim  4π R 2 i  . 9) In an alternative definition of RCS (σ), it is the measure of the ratio of backscatter power per unit solid angle (steradian) along the radar direction to the power density that is intercepted by the object (or target): σ= 4π ⋅ {scattered power toward radar per steradian} . 10) If Ws is the scattered power density from the target, the amount {R2Ws} gives the scattered power per steradian at the radar receiver.

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Inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging with MATLAB by Caner Özdemir; Wiley InterScience (Online service)
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