By Emilio Quaia

Examines intimately the several scientific functions of microbubble-based distinction brokers. Explains the rules underlying using contrast-specific imaging options and the exam technique. includes quite a few top quality illustrations, together with many in colour. Written via famous specialists.

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25 sharp spikes on the Doppler spectral tracing, heard as crackling on the audio output (Figs. 15). These spikes are easily recognized since they cover the entire frequency spectrum. This artefact may also be detected with colour and power Doppler imaging appearing as colour pixels of higher intensity within the more uniform signal of the vessel. 2 Pseudoacceleration of the Systolic Peak Velocity An increase in the systolic peak velocity of up to 50% can be found at peak enhancement. This artefact is probably the result of signals that were too weak to be detected before microbubble injection and it may be almost completely cancelled by reducing the Doppler gain or by employing slow infusion of microbubbles.

The possibility of designing coated microbubbles in order to overcome this problem is discussed in Sect. 2. There are some further requirements to consider first however. These are general to all applications. An ideal coated microbubble should: • Respond predictably and reproducibly • Have a well defined destruction threshold • Locate preferentially in the area required • Be economical to produce • Be convenient to administer • Eventually disintegrate or be eliminated from the body The reproducibility of coated microbubble response, the ease with which coated microbubbles can be administered and their cost, will be determined primarily by the manufacturing process.

13a,b. Artefacts from microbubble-based agents. Doppler signal before microbubble injection (a). Excessive amplifications of Doppler signal after microbubble injection (b) E. Quaia 26 a a b b Fig. 14a,b. Artefacts from microbubble-based agents. Spikes (arrows) due to macrobubble presence in the bloodstream. Colour Doppler and Doppler interrogation of the hepatic artery (a) after microbubble injection. In the Doppler spectra (b) different spikes, covering the entire frequency spectrum, are evident due to macrobubble aggregates Fig.

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Contrast Media in Ultrasonography: Basic Principles and by Emilio Quaia
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