By Jürgen Habermas, Thomas McCarthy

An important contribution to modern social concept. not just does it offer a compelling critique of a few of the most views in twentieth century philosophy and social technology, however it additionally offers a scientific synthesis of the various themse that have preoccupied Habermas for thirty years. --Times Literary complement

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4. Who in this story has been assertive, aggressive or passive? How could any of them have behaved in more assertive ways? How could Ruth get more support from her manager? How can the shop deal assertively with Mrs Golding? ASSERTION AT YOUR WORK-PLACE In your work, you will need to be aware of your achievements, otherwise you may lose out in pay and promotion. These reviews may be formal, informal or even secret. In many organizations there is a review of each individual’s progress each year.

Overeating, drinking too much or inexplicable body pains can be signs that you are angry, and turning the anger in on yourself. 48 USING ANGER CREATIVELY 2. Anger may well be operating if you find yourself getting irritated easily, for example when driving or going about ordinary daily activity; if you are finding any excuse to create a conflict; or rather than telling someone something in a direct manner, you get your own back in subtle ways. 3. If you find you are blaming other people a lot, or feeling you must get away from it all, or feeling hurt or victimized, you may in fact be feeling angry about something quite unconnected with that situation.

Positive action It is a reminder that all is not as we want it to be in our world. Dissatisfaction is a positive thing. Without it, we would simply put up with life as it is and not take any action to further our goals. For example if women early this century had not felt angry at their disenfranchisement, they would not have fought for the vote. Releasing stress Expressing anger can be a great stress-releaser: feelings which might otherwise get suppressed and cause distress or even illness may be released.

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The Theory of Communicative Action, Volume One: Reason and by Jürgen Habermas, Thomas McCarthy
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