By William Outhwaite
Glossy social concept levels commonly from the social sciences to philosophy, political theories and doctrines, cultural rules and events, and the effect of the typical sciences.
- Provides an authoritative evaluation of the most subject matters of social inspiration.
- Long essays and entries provide complete assurance to every subject.
- Covers significant currents of idea, philosophical and cultural traits, and the person social sciences from anthropology to welfare economics.
- New version updates approximately 2 hundred entries and contains new entries, feedback for extra examining, and a bibliography of all assets brought up in the text.
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T h e desire to possess goods can be as powerful a motivation of change as population pressure or soil deterioration. T h e ‘prestige goods’ of European origin which circulated in sub-Saharan Africa were an active component of the power of native chiefs who monopolized their supply and used them to legitimate their authority. So, too, perhaps the intensification of agrarian production in later prehistoric Europe might have been stimulated by the availability of Mediterranean trade goods. Far from being benevolent providers or economic managers, chiefs could be seen as exploiters and monopolizers; and not just in contact situations, but in the genesis of crafts such as metallurgy which involve the supply of rare and costly materials.
On the other hand, anarchists adopted one of three attitudes towards syndicalism. Some regarded its ideas as too limited or mistaken, and therefore remained aloof. Others, seeing syndicalism as essentially a means to achieve an anarchist society, encouraged participation in the movement but warned against identifying anarchism with it. took the Yet others the anarcho-syndicalists view that syndicalism was essentially the expression of mature anarchism in contemporary capitalist society. It was in Spain with its strong anarchist tradition that anarcho-syndicalism became a significant force in the shape of the C N T (Confederation Nacional de Trabajo), an organization embracing by 1936 one million members, in which militants of the FA1 (Federacion Anarquista Iberica) exercised a preponderant influence.
Wallerstein, I. 1991: Beyond Annales? Radical History Review 49, 7-1 5. ~~ IMMANUEL WALLERSTEIN anomie T h e term derives from the Greek anomia, meaning: without law and connoting iniquity, impiety, injustice and disorder (Orru, 1987). It reappeared in English in the sixteenth century and was used in the seventeenth to mean disregard of divine law. It reappeared in French in the 18 ANOMIE writings of Jean-Marie Guyau (1854-1888) who gave it a positive connotation. An anti-Kantian, Guyau looked forward to an ideal future of moral anomie that is, the absence of absolute, fixed and universal rules and religious anomie, freeing individual judgement from all dogmatic faith.
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