By James F. Ward

E-book by way of Ward, James F.

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Extra info for Language, form, and inquiry: Arthur F. Bentley's philosophy of social science

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Unlike many proponents of this view, Bentley was concerned with what gave science its authority. In this concern, I believe, as Bentley himself believed, that his inquiry parted company with that of most major figures in the history of social science. The decisive features in which the authority of science consisted had never been understood, whether by friends or enemies of the idea of a social science, precisely because they were taken as self-evident. A genuine or scientific social science cannot develop as long as social scientists believe that a definitive understanding of science is readily available either in philosophy or in the self-understanding of the natural sciences.

He does not simply hold other writers to standards of his own devising but insists that they not fall below whatever standards they claim to value themselves, punishing them for their failures with his extravagant sarcasm. A great deal of Bentley's writing consists, on the surface, of microscopic and almost always highly critical examinations of other men's works. His own views lie deep beneath his patient rehearsals of opinions with which he violently disagreed. His chosen standpoint is that of an immensely erudite outsider, determined to vanquish the most distinguished spokesmen for conventional views on their own ground.

The assertion that the basic problem of social science is the problem of method connects social science to the primary doctrine of modern philosophy which we may call the methodological premise. 7 What is required for Descartes is both an understanding of certitude and a procedure, the use of which issues in certitude. For our purposes only the following needs to be said concerning this task. First, anything whatsoever that is or can be the object of knowledge can be known only by means of a logico-mathematical procedure that exhibits the essential character of things as the homogeneous elements of mathematics.

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Language, form, and inquiry: Arthur F. Bentley's philosophy by James F. Ward
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