By David Yun Dai, Robert J. Sternberg

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Besides, both chapters postulate higher-order self-regulatory agency, as well as lower-order attentional and working-memory resources, as supporting or constraining motivation (see also Guttentag, 1995). Both chapters raise the issue of style or characteristics ways of dealing with environmental challenges, reminiscent of Matthews and Zeidner’s (chap. 6) cognitiveadaptive view of intellectual functioning, wherein affect, coping (by a selfregulatory agent), and cognitive engagement are inextricably related in intellectual functioning.

There can also be a tension, however, between individuals and cultural establishments along the process. For example, the essential tension that presumably leads to scientific revolution (T. Kuhn, 1977), and even the very notion of paradigm, can only exist in the intersubjective world of a scientific community. Thus, an act of creativity does not just occur in a solitary mind, but is inherent in generative social interaction and intersubjectivity (Csikszentmihalyi, 1992; Runco, 1994; Sternberg, 2003).

They explicate how affective experiences and motivation shape the way individuals interact with the environment, and how the process is constrained by both organismic and contextual factors, including aging (see also Zimmerman & Schunk, chap. 12, for a social-cognitive view of the development of the self-regulatory agency). Maintaining Self Versus Expanding Self Labouvie-Vief and Gonzalez (chap. 9) elaborated on the legacy of the Piagetian notion that developmental transformation occurs as a result of a dynamic interplay of relatively reactive equilibrium-maintaining (assimilation) and relatively proactive, disequilibrating (accommodation) strategies.

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Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition: Integrative Perspectives by David Yun Dai, Robert J. Sternberg
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