By The MathWorks

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All input and output arguments are typed as Variant, the default Visual Basic data type. The Variant type can hold any of the basic VBA types, arrays of any type, and object references. Appendix B, “Data Conversion” describes in detail how to convert Variants of any basic type to and from MATLAB data types. In general, you can supply any Visual Basic type as an argument to a class method, with the exception of Visual Basic UDTs. You can also pass Excel Range objects directly as input and output arguments.

This opens the VB Code window with the code for this project. 4-6 Magic Square Examples Figure 4-6: Visual Basic Code Window 4-7 4 Usage Examples Using Multiple Files and Variable Arguments The M-file, myplot, takes a single integer input and plots a line from 1 to that number. The M-file, mysum, takes an input of varargin of type integer, adds all the numbers, and returns the result. The M-file, myprimes, takes a single integer input n and returns all the prime numbers less than or equal to n.

4-8 Using Multiple Files and Variable Arguments Figure 4-7: Empty New Project Settings Dialog On the New Project Settings dialog, enter the settings as listed below. • In the Component name text block enter the component name xlmulti. Press the Tab key to move to the Class name text block. • This automatically fills in the Classes field with the name xlmulticlass. Leave this text in the Classes field. 0. Leave this version as is. • The Project directory field contains a default of a combination of the directory where Excel builder was started, \work, and the Component name, xlmulti.

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