By C F Koval; University of Wisconsin--Extension. Cooperative Extension Programs

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F (x) and g(x) are not returned because a colon is included at the end of each command. SOLUTION: After defining f (x) and g(x), > f:=x->(-1-2*x)/(-4+x): > g:=x->(4*x-1)/(x+2): we compute and simplify the compositions f (g(x)) and g(f (x)). Because both results are x, f (x) and g(x) are inverse functions. 3 Graphing Functions, Expressions, and Equations 47 10 5 -10 0 -5 0 x 5 10 -5 -10 Figure 2-7 f (x) in black, g(x) in gray, and y = x dashed > simplify((g@f)(x)); x To see that the graphs of f (x) and g(x) are symmetric about the line y = x, we use plot to graph f (x), g(x), and y = x together in Figure 2-7, illustrating the use of the color and linestyle options.

With evalf(expr,n), Maple yields a numerical approximation of expr to n digits of precision, if possible. At other times, simplify can be used to produce the expected results. Remark. If the expression b in ab contains more than one symbol, be sure that the exponent is included in parentheses. Entering aˆn/m computes an /m = m1 an while entering aˆ(n/m) computes an/m . 2: Compute (a) √ 27 and (b) 21 √ 3 2 8 = 82/3 . SOLUTION: (a) Maple automatically simplifies √ √ 27 = 3 3. > sqrt(27); 3 √ 3 We use evalf to obtain an approximation of √ 27.

7182818284590452353602874713526624977572470937000 returns a 50-digit approximation of e. 141592653589793238462643 returns a 25-digit approximation of π. Entering > (3+I)/(4-I); 7 11 + i 17 17 performs the division (3 + i)/(4 − i) and writes the result in standard form. 3 Built-In Functions Maple contains numerous mathematical functions. Functions frequently encountered by beginning users include the exponential function, exp(x); the natural logarithm, ln(x); the absolute value function, abs(x); the square root function, sqrt(x); the trigonometric functions sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), sec(x), csc(x), and cot(x); the inverse trigonometric functions arcsin(x), arccos(x), arctan(x), arcsec(x), arccsc(x), and arccot(x); the hyperbolic trigonometric functions sinh(x), cosh(x), and tanh(x); and their inverses arcsinh(x), arccosh(x), and arctanh(x).

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Maple (Acer) disorder : maple petiole borer by C F Koval; University of Wisconsin--Extension. Cooperative
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