By Niels Bohr
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From Rutherford's own address I especially remember the warmth with which he greeted the latest success of his old friend C. T. R. Wilson, who by the ingenious cloud chamber method had just then illustrations of obtained the first photographs of tracks of oc-rays exhibiting clear cases of sharp bends in their usual remarkably straight path. Of course, Rutherford was thoroughly acquainted with the phenomenon which only a few months before had led him to his epoch-making discovery of the atomic nucleus, but that such details of the life history of a-rays could now be prise, causing witnessed directly by our eyes, he admitted to be a surhim extreme pleasure.
On the other hand, the study of the remarkably simple properties of gases led to the development of the mechanical theory of heat, offering an explanation of the general laws of thermodynamics which have found such fruitful application, not least in physical chemistry. Studies of thermal radiative equilibrium, based on electromagnetic theory, were, however, to disclose a feature of wholeness in atomic processes, irreconcilable with the ideas of classical physics. Indeed, Planck's discovery of the universal quantum of action taught us that the wide applicability of the accustomed description of the behaviour of matter in bulk rests entirely on the circumstance that the action involved in phenomena on the ordinary scale is so large that the quantum can be completely neglected.
DNA Before I conclude, I should like briefly to call attention to the source of biological knowledge which the so-called psychical experience connected with life may offer. I need hardly stress that the word consciousness presents itself in the description of a behaviour so complicated communication implies reference to the individual organism's awareness of itself. Moreover, words like thoughts and sentiments refer to mutually exclusive experiences and have therefore since the origin of human language been used in a typically complementary manner.
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