By Peter Fonagy
A Bestseller
Attachment Theory exhibits scientifically how our earliest relationships with our moms impression our later relationships in existence. This booklet deals a great advent to the findings of attachment idea and the key colleges of psychoanalytic idea.
"The publication each pupil, colleague, or even rival theoretician has been expecting. With attribute wit, philosophical sophistication, scholarship, humanity, incisiveness, and creativity, Fonagy succinctly describes the hyperlinks, ameliorations, and destiny instructions of his dual issues. [His publication] is destined to take its position as one in all a choose record of crucial psychology books of the decade."
-Jeremy Holmes, Senior Lecturer in Psychotherapy, collage of Exeter
"Extraordinary--an helpful source for developmental psychoanalysis."
-Joy D. Osofsky, Professor, Louisiana nation college
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Maternal frightened or frightening behavior 3 predicted infant attachment disorganization, but the strongest predic tor was maternal dissociated behavior i n interactions with the c h i l d . In a n independent investigation L y o n s - R u t h and colleagues also found that frightened and frightening behavior predicted infant disorganiza tion ( L y o n s - R u t h et al. 1999), particularly when extreme parental mis interpretation of the specific content of an infant's attachment related communication and competing caregiving strategies that both elicited and rejected infant attachment were also rated.
Systematically identifying the potential biological links that underpin attachment will be the task of the current decade. A further potential pathway for mediation may be rooted i n the isomorphism of behavioral disturbance and disturbed attachment be haviors. Greenberg (1999) suggests that behaviors labeled as disruptive may also be viewed as indications of attachment strategies aimed to regulate a relationship with the caregiver. For example, oppositional behavior may serve the function of regulating the caregiver's p r o x i m ity to and monitoring of the child.
Reactive impulsive behaviors) add significantly to the prediction of later delinquency, beyond the prediction based o n aggressive behavior alone (Loeber 1990). Social cognition appears to be strongly associated with family background, independent of the c o n tributions of language and age (Cutting and D u n n 1999). A l l these facts are at least consistent with the view that disorganized attachment rep resents the point of origin of one path to conduct disorder. N o t all aggressive c h i l d r e n follow the same pathway toward i m paired peer relations and social maladaptation.
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