By Judy A. Juracek
This can be a photo e-book for architects to demonstrate a variety of remedies, 1000's of assorted remedies for surfaces. Surfaces comprises partitions, facades, embellishes & moldings, columns & posts, home windows, dorways, ceilings & roofs, flooring & pavement. the idea that is to teach what has been performed via others that could assist in filling out their rules approximately tasks. And it truly is precious in displaying or asking consumers for his or her reviews on proposed remedies. All in all there are a few 16 hundred pictures within the 350 or so pages of the ebook. the final layout of a construction is the very first thing that's spotted, however the floor remedy isnt a long way past. and in contrast to the layout, the surfaces from the ground to the ceiling are coated in paint, carpets, drapes, dozens of other remedies. All in all, the outside completing could be the costliest a part of the development.
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Additional resources for Architectural Surfaces: Details for Artists, Architects, and Designers
Sample text
Left to right: Flemish bond; rowlock and header frame; basket-weave WA-167 Roman brick screen, Tuscan farm wall WA-168 Radial brick in running bond on curved wall BRICK WALLS 50 WALLS WA-169 Detail of gauged-brick arch surrounded by runninq bond WA-170 M ultiple bonds in custom-sized brick. Top and right: raised header courses; center: patterns in stacked stretchers, soldier, and headers WA-171 Custom design: m ultiple geom etric patterns in m ulti ple bonds WA- 172 |ack arch surrounded by Flemish bond in alternating colors WA-173 |ack-arch w indow and dog-tooth course of contrasting brick in English bond w all w ith recessed panel WA-174 Star anchor iron in running-bond brick wall w ith reliev ing arch BRICK WALLS WALLS WA-176 Painted rock-face brick w ith dentil m olding, pilasters, and double w indow under arch in recessed WA-175 W eathered brick in running bond on rough split-faced foundation and bricked-in arch w indow s with stone sills, alley wall panel w ith cartouche WA-177 M odern variation of Roman brick in running bond w ith tinted m ortar and soldier base course; louvered shutters on door and w indow WA-178 Com m on bond w ith fourth-course header, blind arch of diagonal basket-weave over window, and raised quoin corners BRICK WALLS 52 WA-179 M ottled effect in polychrom e toned brick, m od ern residential building WA-180 Brick panels in running bond articulated by joints and soldier courses; soldier courses top and bottom of windows, modern commercial building WA-182 Common bond w ith sixth-course headers; recessed spandrels w ith checker pattern; soldier course above windows WA-181 Flemish bond on curved entry w ith brick steps and w indow sill; variation of dog's tooth on com er (far left) BRICK WALLS 53 WALLS WA-184 Idiosyncratic collection off stacked bond and horizontal and vertical running bonds on pilasters and spandrels; rowlock w indow sills house WA-185 Sem icircular arches in blind arcade on brick wall w ith terracotta frieze above raised panel, commercial building BRICK WALLS 54 WALLS WA-186 Radial brick corner w ith banding in contrasting colors and masonry segmental-arch windows, modern commercial building WA-187 Corner detail of banding in contrasting colors; running bond, mod ern comm ercial building WA-188 Contrasting brick banding and pilasters; gauged-brick semicircular arches on upper windows, 19th-c.
Left to right: ter racotta arch, stacked header rows, basket-weave, stacked header rows, English bond WA-203 Bands of decorative brickwork. Top to bottom: chevron, horizontal banding, diaper-work BRICK W A LLS 59 WALLS WA-205 Brick in stack bond with subtle soldier-course banding, modern apartment house WA-206 Brick in random tones with projecting diagonal pattern and soldier courses above square windows, modern commercial building WA-207 Decorative brickwork. Left to right: square brick or tile in diagonal pattern with brick window ornament; projecting ornament over stacked bond pilasters, 19th-c.
Top to bottom: chevron, horizontal banding, diaper-work BRICK W A LLS 59 WALLS WA-205 Brick in stack bond with subtle soldier-course banding, modern apartment house WA-206 Brick in random tones with projecting diagonal pattern and soldier courses above square windows, modern commercial building WA-207 Decorative brickwork. Left to right: square brick or tile in diagonal pattern with brick window ornament; projecting ornament over stacked bond pilasters, 19th-c.
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