By Garrett E. Crow

This can be via some distance the easiest and so much accomplished handbook and illustrated consultant to local and naturalized vascular plants—ferns, conifers, and flowering plants—growing in aquatic and wetland habitats in northeastern North the USA, from Newfoundland west to Minnesota and south to Virginia and Missouri. released in volumes, this long-awaited paintings thoroughly revises and drastically expands Norman Fassett’s 1940 vintage A handbook of Aquatic crops, but keeps the positive factors that made Fassett’s booklet so worthwhile.  Features include: *  insurance of 1139 plant species, 1186 taxa, 295 genera, 109 families *  greater than six hundred pages of illustrations, and illustrations for greater than ninety% of the taxa *  keys for every species comprise references to corresponding illustrations *  habitat info, geographical levels, and synonomy *  a bankruptcy on nuisance aquatic weeds *  glossaries of botanical and habitat terms *  an entire index for every quantity Wetland ecologists, botanists, source managers, public naturalists, and environmentalists involved in the maintenance of wetland parts, that are more and more threatened, will welcome this transparent, possible, and entire advisor.

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Additional resources for Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Northeastern North America, Volume I: A Revised and Enlarged Edition of Norman C. Fassett's A Manual of Aquatic Plants, Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Northeastern North America, Volume 1

Sample text

Verbenaceae. 1 :290 40. Leaves glabrous or pubescent. but not scabrous; flowers strongly 2-lipped. or if weakly irregular. then with a minty odor. 41. Flowers 1 per leaf axil; ovary not lobed; fruit a capsule (Chelone. Lindernia. Mimulus) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scrophulariaceae. 1:327 41. Flowers in axillary whorls or terminal spikes; ovary 4-lobed; fruit 4 nutlets ... Lamiaceae. 1:294 38. Stems round in cross-section. 42.

Cyperaceae. 2:121 10. Base of plant not triangular. 11. Leaf with a ligule at junction of blade and sheath (fig. llb) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:252 11. Leaf without a ligule. sheath present or absent. 12. Flowers bilaterally symmetrical. with 1 larger petal forming a distinct lip or labellum (figs. 593b. 595a); stamens and pistils united. modified to form a column (figs. 602d. 605f) . . . . . . . Orchidaceae. 2:328 12. Flowers radially symmetrical.

Achcne with a tubercle formed by the persistent style base (fig. 490) (Eleocharis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cyperaceae, 2:121 35. Achenc lacking a tubercle (involucral bract so short as to appear absent; Seirpus cespitosus, S. rufus) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cyperaceae, 2: 121 34. Inflorescence appearing somewhat lateral, with a single involucral bract extending beyond (fig. Bd,f) (Scirpus) .

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Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Northeastern North America, by Garrett E. Crow
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