By Stephen J. Plant

Bonhoeffer's theology keeps to turn out richly fruitful within the twenty first century. This e-book gathers jointly Stephen Plant's scholarly engagement with Bonhoeffer's lifestyles and theology over twenty years. This assortment makes available Plant's unique viewpoint on Bonhoeffer's theology, specifically at the key topics of biblical exegesis, ethics and the intimate connections Bonhoeffer discerns among them.

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10 The paragraph is quoted in full by Ina Gschlössl in Klotz, Kirche, vol.  56. K. Chesterton (London: Friends of Europe publications, #13, undated, but probably 1933). 7 30 Taking Stock of Bonhoeffer that is published in the second, became a Nazi politician and was executed in 1946 by the Nuremberg Tribunal. Myth was widely referred to by Klotz’s essayists, though even the most pro-Nazi voices found his book cranky. And so to the essays themselves: first, to anti-Nazi voices, then to those who were undecided, and finally to pro-Nazi essayists.

31 Alongside this federal structure, political power was to be further redistributed by the formation of a national German Trade Union, which would represent workers’ interests, but also be a significant player in local, regional and national political economic strategy. The churches too were to play a strong independent role. Thirdly, the group considered economic policy. They judged that: the object of economic activity must be to make the individual person freer by liberating him from subordination to the material world.

It was, for Moltke, significant that they stood condemned simply for doing their duty as Christians. ’29 The working documents and memoranda of conferences that survived the dissolution of the Kreisau Circle are all highly condensed. From the documents it is possible to gain a sense of the ‘mind’ of the group on what were the key challenges facing the reconstruction of Germany. In some areas, however, concrete proposals are included that put flesh on the skeleton frame of post-war Germany. Following Ger van Roon’s descriptive account of the documents,30 four key areas of interest emerge from the Kreisau documents.

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Taking Stock of Bonhoeffer: Studies in Biblical by Stephen J. Plant
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