By Gordon Lindsay

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3. The Character Quality Method. Choose a character quality you would like to work on in your life and study what the Bible says about it. 4. The Thematic Method. Select a Bible theme to study. Then think of threeto-five questions you’d like to have answered about that theme. Next study all the references you can find on your theme and record the answers to your questions. 5. The Biographical Method. Select a Bible character and research all the verses about that person in order to study his life and characteristics.

Some ­people like to summarize; analytical ­people enjoy outlining. Choose the method with which you feel most comfortable and is easy for you to do. Don’t try to interpret the chapter; just make observations on its contents. Record on your form what you feel the writer said. Step Three Chief ­People List the most important ­ people in the chapter. Ask questions such as, Who are the main ­people in this chapter? Why are they included? What is significant about them? ) you may have to refer to the previous chapter to identify the ­people.

It was given to change our lives to become more like that of Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul declared that it is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training the believer in righ­teous living (2 Tim. 3:16). The Bible is a practical book, for it is concerned with practical godly living. Bible study without personal application can be just an academic exercise with no spiritual value. The Bible was written to be applied to our lives. ” We want to note here that application is necessary for our Chris­tian lives, that it is hard work, and that good applications are possible if we follow some basic principles.

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Satan, fallen angels, and demons by Gordon Lindsay
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