By Roberto Giacobazzi

This e-book constitutes the refereed lawsuits of the eleventh foreign Symposium on Static research, SAS 2004, held in Verona, Italy in August 2004.The 23 revised complete papers offered with an invited paper and abstracts of three invited talks have been conscientiously reviewed and chosen from sixty three submissions. The papers are prepared in topical sections on application and platforms verification, safety and security, pointer research, summary interpretation and algorithms, form research, summary area and knowledge buildings, form research and common sense, and termination research.

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Sample text

1 Introduction Symbolic trajectory evaluation (STE) provides a means to formally verify properties over sequential systems [1, 10, 14]. STE is usually presented as one of the main alternative to symbolic model checking (SMC). One advantage of STE compared with SMC is that STE is capable of dealing with larger circuits, thanks to the complexity of the verification algorithm, which is determined largely by the property to be verified. As a drawback, STE is limited in the kind of properties it can handle.

In Proc. POPL, pages 232–244. ACM, 2004. 9. A. Henzinger, R. Jhala, R. C. Necula, G. Sutre, and W. Weimer. Temporal-safety proofs for systems code. In Proc. CAV, LNCS 2404, pages 526– 538. Springer, 2002. 10. A. Henzinger, R. Jhala, R. A. Sanvido. Extreme model checking. In International Symposium on Verification: Theory and Practice, LNCS 2772, pages 332–358. Springer, 2003. 11. A. Henzinger, R. Jhala, R. Majumdar, and G. Sutre. Lazy abstraction. In Proc. POPL, pages 58–70. ACM, 2002. 12. J. Holzmann.

Recall from [9] that, given two elements and of a complete lattice L, by definition When L is relatively pseudo-complemented (or equivalently a complete Heyting algebra), if for any such that It is well known that if L is of the form then Lemma 2. Let and If then The following lemma gives a way to systematically refine the abstraction in order to avoid all the spurious counterexamples relatively to the failure vertex with respect to a trajectory assertion Lemma 3. Given a trajectory assertion if for all such that we have that the element and that then every abstract counterexample of the form is not spurious.

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Static Analysis: 11th International Symposium, SAS 2004, by Roberto Giacobazzi
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