By Joel Spolsky
Joel Spolsky started his mythical net log, www.joelonsoftware.com, in March 2000, as a way to provide insights for making improvements to the area of programming. Spolsky established those observations on years of private experience.
The consequence only a handful of years later? Spolsky's technical wisdom, caustic wit, and striking writing abilities have earned him prestige as a programming guru! His web publication has develop into well known through the programming worldnow associated with greater than six hundred web pages and translated into over 30 languages.
Joel on software program covers each feasible element of software program programming—from how one can write code, to the way to layout an workplace within which to write down code! All programmers, each person who are looking to improve their wisdom of programmers, and all who're attempting to deal with programmers would definitely relate to Joel's musings.
Table of Contents
- Choosing a Language
- Back to fundamentals
- The Joel attempt: 12 Steps to higher Code
- The Absolute minimal each software program Developer totally, definitely needs to find out about Unicode and personality units (No Excuses!)
- Painless useful requisites half 1: Why trouble?
- Painless sensible necessities half 2: What’s a Spec?
- Painless sensible necessities half three: yet . . . How?
- Painless sensible requirements half four: suggestions
- Painless software program Schedules
- Daily Builds Are Your pal
- Hard-Assed malicious program Fixin’
- Five Worlds
- Paper Prototyping
- Don’t permit structure Astronauts Scare You
- Fire and movement
- Craftsmanship
- Three unsuitable principles from desktop technology
- Biculturalism
- Get Crash stories From Users—Automatically!
- The Guerilla advisor to Interviewing
- Incentive Pay thought of destructive
- Top 5 (Wrong) purposes You Don’t Have Testers
- Human activity Switches thought of destructive
- Things you might want to by no means Do, half One
- The Iceberg mystery, published
- The legislation of Leaky Abstractions
- Lord Palmerston on Programming
- Measurement
- Rick Chapman Is looking for Stupidity
- What Is the paintings of canines during this nation?
- Getting issues performed whilst You’re just a Grunt
- Two tales
- Big Macs vs. The bare Chef
- Nothing is so simple as it sort of feels
- In safeguard of Not-Invented-Here Syndrome
- Strategy Letter I: Ben & Jerry’s vs. Amazon
- Strategy Letter II: Chicken-and-Egg difficulties
- Strategy Letter III: allow Me return!
- Strategy Letter IV: Bloatware and the 80/20 delusion
- Strategy Letter V: The Economics of Open resource
- A Week of Murphy’s legislations long gone Wild
- How Microsoft misplaced the API battle
- Microsoft is going Bonkers
- Our .NET technique
- Please Sir may possibly i've got a Linker?
Read Online or Download Joel on Software: And on Diverse and Occasionally Related Matters That Will Prove of Interest to Software Developers, Designers, and Managers, and to Those Who, Whether by Good Fortune or Ill Luck, Work with Them in Some Capacity PDF
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Joel Spolsky all started his mythical internet log, www. joelonsoftware. com, in March 2000, for you to provide insights for bettering the realm of programming. Spolsky dependent those observations on years of private adventure. the end result only a handful of years later? Spolsky's technical wisdom, caustic wit, and striking writing abilities have earned him prestige as a programming guru!
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Sample text
NET gives us a "choice" of languages precisely where we couldn't care less about it舒in the syntax. NET versus Java, XML strategy, Lock-In, competitive strategy, software design, architecture, and so forth. All this stuff is a layer cake, in a way. At the top layer, you've got software strategy. NET, and below that, individual products: software development products like Java or platforms like Windows. Go lower on the cake, please. DLLs? Objects? Functions? No! Lower! At some point you're thinking about lines of code written in programming languages.
I pointed out that given the price of hard drives these days, the cost of this space was significantly less than the cost of the toilet paper I used. Spending even ten minutes cleaning up my directory would be a fabulous waste of productivity. __________ 9. com. 10. See Chapter 32. Top-notch development teams don't torture their programmers. Even minor frustrations caused by using underpowered tools add up, making programmers grumpy and unhappy. And a grumpy programmer is an unproductive programmer.
Many file systems are implemented in a way that it's a bad idea to put too many files in one directory, because performance starts to drop off dramatically when you get thousands of items in one directory. Try opening an overstuffed Windows recycle bin to see this in action舒it takes hours to show up, which is clearly not linear in the number of files it contains. There must be a Shlemiel the Painter's Algorithm in there somewhere. Whenever something seems like it should have linear performance but it seems to have n-squared performance, look for hidden Shlemiels.
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