By Katerina Pavla Svoboda, Tomas Galen Svoboda, Polly May Syred, Andrew Douglas Syred
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BF. stained with sa fran in and fast green)(:<290]. MARJORAM - Origanum marj orana Plat e 6t : Sessile secretory gland on lower leaf surface (TIS). Four secretory cells clearly visible beneath ruptured cuticle (LM. BF. ]. Pla te 62: Stalked gland with unicellular head (TIS)and turgid. intact curictc on lower leafs urfac e ILM. Die. fresh. 800]. 37 NUTMEG - Myris tica fragrans Plat e 63: Embryo (TIS) showing inner pcrispcrm and secretory cells. C PD) Ix79}. I'J all'~: Detail of secretory cells (T IS) in embryo (SEM, epD) [x3S0}.
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