By J Mihalczo; Oak Ridge National Laboratory. .; United States. Dept. of Energy.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific and Technical Information

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Hunt, B. J. 1991. The Maxwellians. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Kaye, G. W. , and T. H. Laby (1911–). Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants, 8th edition, 1936; 16th edition, 1995. Essex: Longman. Merzbacher, E. 1961. Quantum Mechanics. New York: Wiley. Thomson, J. J. 1897. ” The Electrician: 104–109. P. 1965. J. J. Thomson: Discoverer of the Electron. S. edition: New York, Anchor Books, 1966). Warwick, A. C. 1991. ” Archive for History of Exact Sciences 43: 29–91. I CORPUSCLES AND E L E C T RO N S 1 J.

G E. S 36 J. J. 53 There, Thomson presented his results from experiments on the magnetic deflection of cathode rays and a refined version of Perrin’s experiment from 1895. He appears to have made no mention of the subatomic. The occasion for his April 30 talk was a Friday Evening Discourse at the Royal Institution in London. Most of this lecture-withdemonstrations was again devoted to these experiments, but what made news was the subatomic hypothesis he placed before his distinguished audience at the end.

Fourth, considering Thomson’s paper on cathode rays as just the first in a sequence of three seminal papers clarifies the way in which this paper marks a watershed in the history of science. Surely, the 1897 paper was a watershed, for it was the first time experimental access was expressly gained to a subatomic particle. When viewed from the perspective of twentieth century atomic physics, however, Thomson’s cathode ray paper appears at most a minor initial breakthrough, of no more importance than the breakthroughs of Becquerel, the Curies, and Rutherford during the next few years.

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Radiation Detection from Fission by J Mihalczo; Oak Ridge National Laboratory. .; United States.
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