By Kang-Sin Choi, Jihn E. Kim
This booklet seeks to be a guidebook at the trip in the direction of the minimum supersymmetric average version down the orbifold highway. It takes the point of view that the chirality of subject fermions is a vital element that orbifold compactification permits to derive from higher-dimensional string theories in a slightly straight-forward demeanour.
Halfway among a textbook and an instructional evaluation, Quarks and Leptons from Orbifolded Superstring is meant for the graduate scholar and particle phenomenologist wishing to get accustomed to this field
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However, with the LEP data on αc [8] they meet within the experimental error bounds [39]. Thus, SUSY GUT models with the MSSM spectrum below MU seem to have some truth to them. At present, supersymmetry is the most popular scenario for the solution of the gauge hierarchy problem, and is why the phenomenological aspects of MSSM are so vigorously studied. But the MSSM has some serious theoretical problems related to the following issues; • • • • • • • • 15(+1) chiral fermions in one family, number of fermion families ≥ 3, probably exactly 3, N = 1 supersymmetry, gauge hierarchy, doublet-triplet splitting, one pair of Higgsinos, H1 and H2 , 3 the hypercharge quantization, sin2 θW 8 at GUT scale, absence of strong CP violation, as well as more detailed questions such as that pertaining to the hierarchies of Yukawa couplings.
Namely, the twisted sector θ is divided into subsectors depending on the fixed point f . This expression will be extensively used in calculating quantities related with fixed points. 19) when j1 or j2 is smaller than k, to make a lattice element. In this case, the conjugacy class does not have one to one correspondence with fixed points under θk . This is because some of them are not fixed points under θ (rotation by smaller angles). In this sense, the conjugacy class is a more fundamental concept than the fixed point.
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