By Yehudah T. Raddai and Athalya Brenner
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Perhaps in Isa. ); and Prov. 1 BOB, pp. 1068,1122. Cf. q, 'jest* andyiShaq in the same verse. 3 BDB, p/887. Cf. 4. 4 Jastrow, p. 1379. 5 BDB, p. 539, cites cognates in Arabic and Phoenician. 6 les appears in the book of Proverbs 14 times, and also once each in the Psalms and Isaiah. It usually refers to someone who is 'fickleminded', 'rash', 'reckless'. 22. Whether BH m'ltsdh (in later Hebrew 'rhetorics', 'rhetorical device') denotes 'riddle, proverb' or—what is more within the sphere under discussion—satirical song, taunt'1 (Hab.
The concordance shows that, apart from our verse, it is mentioned twenty-eight times, eight times as a token of paternal love in the Joseph Cycle, ten times in Exodus and Leviticus as priestly 30 On Humour and the Comic in the Hebrew Bible vestments and twice in 1 Samuel 13 as a sort of gown worn by princesses. Thus in twenty out of twenty-eight occurrences the function of these coats is to elevate the wearer above others—brothers, Levites and common folk. Wearing them for the first time is tantamount to a formal and ceremonial investiture, as is indeed indicated in Exod.
Other syntagms, be they extended verb phrases (verb phrase + noun phrase) or nominal phrases (noun 1 Cf. the data in Jastrow's Dictionary, p. 1274. It only appears seldom as a variant to the regular shq - shq. 3. On the Semantic Field of Humour 49 phrase + noun phrase), especially when they recur, may also be indicative of the range of signification and force of a given term. The following table presents the data gleaned by utilizing these three phenomena for determining the relative positions ofshq and §hq.
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