By Caryl L. Elzinga;Daniel W. Salzer;John W. Willoughby;James P. Gibbs

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J... 1. S. Bureau of Land Management. Frame size and shape will depend on vegetation characteristics, objectives, and camera lens size. Several photoplot methods have been published. Schwegman (1986) describes a frame made of PVC pipe. A camera with a 28mm lens is suspended on the frame 104m above the ground. The camera frame is attached to a 1m2, gridded frame that rests on the ground surface. Frames can also be constructed to suspend the camera over an offset plot, so that the observer can remain a few meters away and not trample the area near the plot (Windas 1986).

What will you do? How will you decide which species to work on first? Or imagine you are a manager in charge of a 30,OOO-acre preserve. On your preserve are populations of four rare plant species, a threatened species of beetle, a stream containing a trout species that has been recognized as a Species of Concern in your state, one of the largest great blue heron rookeries in the state, and a cottonwood gallery forest that is occasionally used by transient bald eagles. What will you do? In this situation you not only must set priorities among species and populations, but you will also need to decide among life-forms.

Species are rated from I to 3, with species rated I of lowest importance. In this example, Species A is a very rare, rating a "3" for rarity. but, because it is only a variety. it is given a "I" for its taxonomic status. For monitoring difficulty, a low number means it is a difficult species to monitor; in this example. these species are considered of lower importance for monitoring. Rankings are summed across all criteria, both with and without weighting. In this example, Species D is lowest-ranked species (17), while Species B is the highest (31) based on unweighted rank and Species E is the highest based on weighted rank (124).

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Monitoring Plant and Animal Populations by Caryl L. Elzinga;Daniel W. Salzer;John W. Willoughby;James
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