By Emma Carlson Berne

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38 How Dangerous Is Methamphetamine Use? One of the most frequently cited and far-reaching consequences of methamphetamine use is high-risk sexual behavior. Along with euphoria, the drug brings on heightened sensations and hypersexual feelings. This, combined with the severely impaired judgment and recklessness typical of a meth high, has led to high numbers of meth users engaging in unprotected sex with multiple partners. This has resulted in an increase in HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases—among gay men in particular.

Keep the [addict] talking. An [addict] who falls silent can be extremely dangerous. 20 Anecdotal stories about the dangers police face when discovering or shutting down meth houses are common. Houses are sometimes booby-trapped and some addicts have a tendency to stockpile weapons, 53 Methamphetamine according to media reports. Frequently, violence is random and based on drug-induced paranoia. One Bureau of Land Management ranger reported being shot at by teenagers high on meth who had no previous criminal records at all.

Crack users on the other hand, are more often African Americans from poor urban areas. The criticism is that crack addicts are not being housed in special facilities and offered extensive rehabilitation. Greg Mathis, a judge and African American activist writes, “[It] seems that meth users, by way of the criminal justice system, are getting 54 Is There a Link Between Methamphetamine Addiction and Crime? ”22 In addition, Ryan S. King of the Sentencing Project, a nonprofit organization that advocates sentencing reform, points out that even these special facilities do not have treatment and support available after prisoners are released, increasing the chances that they will return to meth abuse.

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