By R. Hutty (auth.)

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2 shows the use of the S and + pictures. Input values for OLD-BALANCE and AMOUNT may be positive (a credit) or negative (a debit) and the NEW-BALANCE may be positive or negative, which will be indicated by a -or +sign when it is output. 2 the BALANCE program * IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. BALANCE. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. TA DIVIS ION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 77 OLD-BALANCE PIC S999V99. 77 AMOUNT PIC S999V99. 99. PROCEDURE DIVISION. BALANCE-CALC. ACCEPT OLD-BALANCE. ACCEPT AMOUNT. ADD AMOU~T OLD-BALANCE GIVING NEW-BALANCE.

ADD MALES TO FEMALES GIVING PEOPLE. If the values of MALES and FEMALES were 73 and 65, respectively, then the result produced by the execution of the ADD statement would be 138, which is greater than 99 - the maximum value that can be held by the numeric data-item PEOPLE. A SIZE ERROR has occurred. Normally, of course, data-items are allocated appropriate pictures at the program-design stage, and in the example above it would be more sensible for the dataitem PEOPLE to have a picture of PIC 999, since it is intended to hold the sum of two data-items each with a picture of PIC 99- the minimum value of the sum being 198.

ADD TWO NUMBERS. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 77 N0-1 PIC 99. 77 N0-2 PIC 99. PROCEDURE DIVISION. ADD-2-NOS. ACCEPT N0-1. ACCEPT N0-2. ADD N0-1 TO N0-2. DISPLAY "SUM IS " N0-2. STOP RUN. 9 26 SUM IS 35 If the two numbers input were 9 and 26 then, before the ADD statement was executed, N0-1 and N0-2 would contain N0-1 PIC 99 @lli N0-2PIC99 ~ and after the ADD statement was executed they would contain N0-1 PIC99 ~ N0-2PIC99 ~ Notice that N0-1 remains unchanged by the ADD statement.

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Mastering COBOL Programming by R. Hutty (auth.)
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