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The Blossom on the Bough: A Book of Trees

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Specific Character and Synonyms. PLATYLOBIUM formofum foliis cordato-ovatis, germine pilofo. Smith Linn. Tranf. v. 2 . 350. Bot. New Holl. tab. 6. Cheilococca apocynifolia. Salijb. Prod. 4 12. i All the plants of this family as yet known are natives of New Holland ; the genus derives its name from the breadth of its pod or feed-veflel, and was eftablifhed by Dr. }, where the prefent fpecies, the only one then known, is defcribed under the name of Platylolium formofum, or Orange FlulPea s a figure of it has been fince given by the fame author, in the fecond number of a work, entitled The Zoology and Botany of New Holland.

66. L'Herit. Stirp. nov. t. 6 8. Cham

T. /. 2. BERMUDIANA capenfis, capitulislanuginofis. jicc. 242. GRAMEN eriophorum africanum flore lanato. Pluk. Mant. 98. It will be feen, on confulting the fynonyras, that this native of the Cape, though introduced to the K-ew Garden by Mr. MASSON in 1774, was long before known to a confiderable number of Botanifts, and it is curious to fee the different opinions which they entertained of it; we abide by that of Mr. AITON, who has called u Arijtea, from the bearded ap pearance, we apprehend, of the Spathse.

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[Magazine] Curtis's Botanical Magazine. Volumes 13-14
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