By Corinne Squire (auth.)

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Side effects may develop which themselves need difficult treatment. Some HIV-related conditions may persist. These too may require challenging forms of treatment, in Quentin’s case, for kidney failure. Long-term effects of living with HIV, similar to those often experienced in late middle age, but exacerbated by HIV, such as cardiovascular problems, are also increasingly likely to arise as people such as Quentin and Maane enter their 50s and 60s, demanding further adjustments in their lives. All these issues are socially shaped.

It offers a way to address the particularities of the pandemic at many levels. Why deploy narrative, specifically, to study the particularities of HIV? After all, many qualitative research approaches offer themselves as possible modes of address to highly specific, heavily contextualised and complex phenomena. Here I will describe how a narrative approach to the research materials drawn on in this book, especially the materials from my UK and South African interview studies, helps keep the particularities of the pandemic in focus.

Frequently, this round of my UK HIV support research seemed to become, de facto, research on recessionary living or ‘living with the cuts’. In South Africa in 2012, too, as Nathaniel’s story at the beginning of this chapter indicates, for many participants, HIV politics had become rolled into wider political stories. To some extent, this expansion was driven by the exigencies of global financial crisis. But it was also shaped by widened access to effective treatment, coming after a decade of struggle for such access.

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Living with HIV and ARVs: Three-letter Lives by Corinne Squire (auth.)
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