By R. Bruce Hoadley
With a unadorned eye or microscope it is possible for you to to spot one hundred eighty hardwoods, softwoods amd tropical woods by means of following the easy recommendations defined during this textual content.
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There is considerable i ntergrad i ng between taxod ioid and cupressoid pitting and, to some extent, between piceoid and cu pressoid p itti ng. The photos show rad ial views. 2: SU MMA Y 27 Latewood tracheids are narrow in radial diameter and there RY CHECKLIST OF OO ANATOMICAL FEATURES FOR SOFTW I DENTIFICATION fore form narrow cross fields. To evaluate the cross-field pitting D Sapwood/Heartwood: Color/visual contrast Width of sapwood Growth Rings: Width (rate of growth) Evenness of grain Abruptness of earl ywood-to-I atewood transition Tracheids: Diameter/texture Radial wall pitting Resin Canals: Present/absent Size Number/distribution Epithelial cell wall thickness Longitudinal Parenchyma: Present/absent Abundance Plain/nodular end walls Contents Location: Terminal or marginal Diffuse Metatracheal or zonate Rays: Height Seri ation Homocel l u lar or heterocel l u lar Fus iform rays: Present/absent Epithe l i a l cell wal l s : thick or th i n Ray tracheids : Smooth or dentate Ray parenchyma : Cross-field pitting: wi ndow l i ke, p i noid, piceoid, cu pressoid or taxod ioid End wal ls : smooth or nod u l a r Contents types discussed below, cross fields formed at earlywood tra cheids should be examined.
I strongly suggest plenty of practice on small pieces of scrap wood, whittling each as neces sary to expose the mm Su X, R and T surfaces. ary aminin In ex g any piece of wood, you should first study it to de termine its relationship to the stem from which it came. Decide whether any of the exposed surfaces are true transverse, radial or tangential planes. If not, cut the piece to expose these surfaces (this technique is further described in Chapter 7). Then take note of the following gross anatomical features: 1.
Engelmannii P. glauca P. mariana P. rubens P. 001 m m ) == D SPEC I ES Scientific Name Scientific Name Chama ris lawsoniana nootkatensis thyoides FTWOO 30-45 40-60 35-50 25-35 25-35 25-30 25-35 35-55 * Sequoia sempervirens Sequoiadendron giganteum Taxodium distichum Taxus brevifolia Tracheid dia. 20-35 35-55 35-60 40-60 40-65 35-60 35-60 35-60 30-45 25-45 35-60 Douglas-fir 35-55 redwood 50-80 giant sequoia 45-60 baldcypress 45-70 Pacific yew 1 5-25 Thuja T. occidentalis T. plicata thuja northern white-cedar western redcedar 20-35 30-45 Tsuga canadensis T.
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