By C. J. Solano Salinas, O Pereyra Ravinez, R Ochoa Jiménez
This lawsuits is the 5th within the sequence of Latin American symposiums targeting the advance, refinement and purposes of excessive strength physics. because the critical conferences for the physics neighborhood in Latin the US, it encourages collaborations and the trade of principles with the foreign physics groups. this actual symposium was once additionally a commitment to the reminiscence of Dr. Luis Masperi.
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Actually X = i- I V^WR{2)] (24) 47T is the Euler characteristic of the surface. For a closed surface, it counts the number of handles'3 x = 2(1 — h). We thus see, that a factor e~^oX will appear associated to a given topology of Euler characteristic X- If 9c = e*° is small, the perturbative expansion, given in terms of handles, makes sense. The most relevant contribution will be a sphere {g^2), then a torus (g®) , a two handle surface {g2), etc. It is possible to see that 0o is not a new parameter of the theory but rather can be interpreted as the vacuum expectation value of the dilaton field.
15) where G^v is the symmetric tracelees part, _BM„ an antisymmetric tensor (2-form) and <& is the trace. ]\0 > (16) this is nothing but the graviton excitation. In the effective, low energy, theory it will generate the graviton field G^V{X) of d = 26 Einstein gravity. We thus see an indication that closed strings can contain a graviton like field! Besides gravitons, we also notice that the massless spectrum of the theory contains a massless scalar, the dilaton, and a two form (antisymmetric) field.
21) There are two 56 s identifying the two Type IIB N = 2 (16+16 supersymmetry charges) gravitini, with one vector and one spinor index. Notice that invariance under the exchange of left and right sectors shows up in the closed Type IIB massless spectrum. Type IIA closed string Formally, the same steps as in the Type IIB case are followed. However, opposite chirality spinors are considered in left and right sectors. Type IIA theory is non chiral. The masslees spectrum is organized as [8V © 8S]
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