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By considering the number of QED vertices present in each decay, estimate the relative decay rates taking α = 1/137. 6 Particle interactions fall into two main categories, scattering processes and annihilation processes, as indicated by the Feynman diagrams below. Draw the lowest-order Feynman diagrams for the scattering and/or annihilation processes: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) e − e − → e− e − , e+ e− → μ+ μ− , e + e − → e+ e − , e− νe → e− νe , e− ν e → e− ν e . In some cases there may be more than one lowest-order diagram.

5 × 10−12 s. When produced in high-energy collisions, this relatively long lifetime, combined with the Lorentz time-dilation factor, means that B hadrons travel on average a few millimetres before decaying. The decays of B hadrons often produce more than one charged particle. Because of the relatively large mass of the b-quark, the decay products can be produced at a relatively large angle to the original b-quark direction. 4 Measurements at particle accelerators Secondary vertex B0 decay Secondary vertex 0 B decay Primary vertex t Fig.

Although the Lorentz transformation forms the basis of special relativity, Lorentz invariance is the more important concept for much that follows. Lorentz invariance is best expressed in terms of four-vectors. 4). For example, the contravariant four-vector x μ is defined as x μ = (t, x, y, z), where the indices μ = {0, 1, 2, 3} label the space-time coordinates with the zeroth component representing time. 7) where Λμ ν can be thought of as the elements of the matrix Λ and Einstein’s summation convention for repeated indices is used to express the matrix multiplication.

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