By John R. Levison

Containing meticulous, updated scholarship but written in a flowing, stress-free sort, this complete publication takes readers on a trip via a wide ranging array of literary texts, encompassing the literature of Israel, early Judaism, the Greco-Roman international, and the hot testomony. John R. Levison’s ability with historic texts — already established in his acclaimed The Spirit in First-Century Judaism — is right here prolonged to a myriad of different expressions of the Spirit in antiquity.

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18), noctur­ nal prowlers, such as young lions at night (w. 20-21), fish of the sea (v. 25), and even Leviathan (v. 26) — look to God for food. Animals are not merely objects of human hunger but subjects who have a relationship with God akin to their human kin. They live in God's presence (God's face), possess God's spirit, and return to the dust. These are the dimensions of the entire animal creation which are not, as in the Genesis narratives of creation, the sole prerogatives of human beings.

Dust is, in brief, a human's substance, not merely a human's source. " (Gen 2:19). Then, just a few narrative moments later, rings another jarring note: God decrees death to adam, recalling the confluence of dust and ground in 1 2 1. Hebrew lacks the word "from" before dust: wayyiseryhwh 'eldhim 'et-hd'dddm 'apar min-haddamd. " 2. Biblical translations are typically taken from the New Revised Standard Version. From time to time, however, I will modify these translations without commentary to avoid clumsi­ ness.

Acts 10-11. Later, Paul is prevented by the holy spirit from entering Bithynia in Asia. Paul has no idea of why this is so but obeys anyway. See The Influence of the Holy Spirit, 2126. 5 ISRAELITE LITERATURE feet. " What then is the quintessential symptom of the spirit's presence? Glossolalia. Speaking in tongues was, in the apostolic age, the "most strik­ ing and characteristic" effect of the spirit. In what would appear to irrev­ erent spectators as madness and drunkenness, believers in the apostolic age would pinpoint the indisputable effect of God's spirit.

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Filled with the Spirit by John R. Levison
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