By H. Uberall
Ebook by way of Uberall, H.
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T h e left-hand side of Eq. (6-35), obtained from experiment, may be plotted versus the known function of ^ C ( ^ ) / ^ T ( ^ ) - I f the transition is magnetic, with L+1 # parity change Δπ = (— l) , so that Ac = 0 , a horizontal straight L line will result. , Δπ = ( — 1 ) , we re member that, from the Siegert theorem of Eq. (4-23f), B(ELy ω) + ^ B(CLy ω ) , so that both AT and Ac will be nonzero; a sloping straight * This follows from the parity selection rules, Eqs. (4-25d,e), which differ for magnetic transitions as compared to Coulomb and electric transitions.
3. 1. GENERAL FEATURES One of the principal advantages of inelastic electron scattering for the study of nuclear excitations, which also constitutes its superiority over photoabsorption, consists, as was stated before, in the decoupling of Sec. 5 Ε F I G . 18. Traces # = const in the (q, E) plane above which scattered electron spectra are usually plotted, for two values of incident electron energy kx (assuming &i J> me). T r a c e Ε = 0 : elastic scattering; trace q = E: photoexcitation (Malvano 6 1 ; Ciocchetti 6 4 ) .
Note that this change of shape cannot be observed in photoexcitation, since here only one fixed curve is obtained. (d) For higher values of q> a broad peak appears above the giant resonance region, which shifts higher according to Ε = 2 q ßm (6-33a) Here, m* is the effective mass (roughly Jm, with m the proton mass) of the nucleon inside nuclear matter. This peak is known as the quasielastic peak, and corresponds to the process of knocking an individual nucleon out of the nucleus (Fig. 20). , the proton peak in Fig.
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