By Robin Hunter
A entire therapy of the implementation of high-level programming languages, really glossy languages corresponding to ALGOL 60, ALGOL sixty eight, Pascal, and Ada. Emphasizes the layout of compilers in addition to the sensible points of compiler writing together with lexical research, syntax research, use of image tables, garage allocation, and code new release. Identifies the positive factors of specific languages and describes algorithms in a precise language (ALGOL 68). comprises useful routines with ideas.
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2 Associations Associations describe a relationship between two or more classes. The most basic type of association is the binary association, which is represented by a solid line connecting two classes. Any association may include an association name, written just above the line. The association name may also include a solid small triangle to indicate the direction in which to read the association name. The association can also include roles, which are shown at the ends of the line, close to the corresponding classes.
The following statements simply get the name of the thread and assigns to a string object. getName(); II get name of current thread A thread begins execution when its start method is invoked; at this point in time, the thread becomes alive. It will remain alive until its run method 48 Chapter 3 returns, or when it is terminated. To check if a thread is alive, the boolean method isAli ve can be used. println("Thread: " + my thread. 4 Thread Suspending Itself A thread can be suspended for a given period then reactivated.
46 Chapter 3 The simplest way to define a class with thread behavior is to use the Thread class (from the Java library) as a base class. In addition to the inherited attributes and methods, the subclass will normally include its own methods with additional behavior. Method run has to be overridden (redefined). This method defines and controls the behavior of a user defined thread class, it is implicitly invoked by method start. For a given program, several classes with thread behavior would normally be defined.
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