By Wolfgang Ahrendt, Bernhard Beckert, Richard Bubel, Reiner Hähnle, Peter H. Schmitt, Mattias Ulbrich
Static research of software program with deductive tools is a hugely dynamic field
of learn at the verge of changing into a mainstream know-how in software
engineering. It involves a wide portfolio of - quite often totally computerized -
analyses: formal verification, attempt new release, safety analysis,
visualization, and debugging. them all are discovered within the state-of-art
deductive verification framework KeY.
This booklet is the definitive advisor to KeY that permits you to discover the full
potential of deductive software program verification in perform. It comprises the
complete idea at the back of KeY for energetic researchers who are looking to are aware of it in
depth or use it of their personal paintings. however the e-book additionally gains fully
self-contained chapters at the Java Modeling Language and on utilizing KeY that
require not anything else than familiarity with Java. All different chapters are
accessible for graduate scholars (M.Sc. point and beyond).<
The KeY framework is loose and open software program, downloadable from the book
companion web site which includes additionally all code examples pointed out in this
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Sample text
Radix sort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Generic sorting contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contract specifying stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610 611 612 613 Chapter 1 Quo Vadis Formal Verification? Reiner Hähnle The KeY system has been developed for over a decade. During this time, the field of Formal Methods as well as Computer Science in general has changed considerably.
An in the given order, . PSym obligatory contains the binary dedicated symbol =( , ) for equality. and the two 0-place predicate symbols true and false. 3. a set VSym of typed variable symbols, by v : A for v ∈ VSym we declare v to be a variable of type A. All types A, Ai in this definition must be different from ⊥. A 0-ary function symbol c : → A is called a constant symbol of type A. A 0-ary predicate symbol p() is called a propositional variable or propositional atom. We do not allow overloading: The same symbol may not occur in FSym ∪ PSym ∪ VSym with different typing.
Sum of all array elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wrong and weak loop invariants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Method call with inheritance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Method contract of method sum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Average of all array elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defective part of a mergesort implementation . . . . . . . . . Exception thrown by mergesort .
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