By Lorraine McGinty, David C. Wilson
This e-book constitutes the refereed complaints of the eighth overseas convention on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2009, held in Seattle, WA, united states, in July 2009. The 17 revised complete papers and 17 revised poster papers provided including 2 invited talks have been rigorously reviewed and chosen from fifty five submissions. overlaying quite a lot of CBR subject matters of curiosity either to practitioners and researchers, the papers are dedicated to theoretical/methodological in addition to to applicative elements of present CBR research.
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This is because CBQL-IR acts randomly when there are no stored cases, as is true before any training occurs; so all three pursue the same policy before training. The differences between SVM and kNN are not statistically significant using either the k-step-regret or asymptotic advantage measures. 4 A Concurrent Learning Alternative Transfer learning is intuitively appealing, cognitively inspired, and has led to a burst of research activity, much of which concerns new techniques involving hierarchical RL.
Mini-chess) size, # pieces, etc Identify Play of Control QB in Defense Football Play Environment Type Turn-Based Strategy: Microworld Team Sports: RoboCup Soccer Real-Time Strategy: MadRTS Question answering: AP Physics General Game Playing: GGP Team Sports: Rush 2008 In stark contrast, Klenk and Forbus (2007) do not rely on RL. Instead, they employ SME in a context where cases are solutions to mechanics problems represented in predicate calculus. , applicable equations and assumptions) to arrive at a solution.
Finally, k-step regret measures the increase in performance over the entire learning period, defined as the integral difference between two learning curves, divided by the area of the bounding box that extends from the origin horizontally through the last trial of the curve (or the first trial at which they have both reached asymptotic performance) and vertically to the highest accuracy achieved by either averaged curve. Intuitively, this is a percentage of the maximum performance gain possible between an algorithm that always achieves worst-case performance and an algorithm that always achieves best-case performance.
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