By Mena A.S.

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Use the TimeMachine data type you defined in the previous set of exercises. Chapter 2 ■ DeClaring the Data MoDel Lists and Tuples One question that may have naturally arisen while doing the previous exercises is whether it’s also possible to use pattern matching on lists and tuples, because it seems that doing so will lead to more concise code. It’s indeed possible, because lists and tuples are no more special than any other user-defined data type. Lists constructors are [] and (:), and those are the ones that we can use to pattern match.

Alejandro") = True (responsibility -> "Director") = True _ = False Oops! It seems that we rushed into making some sort of mistake. Notice the following interpreter error: Illegal view pattern: clientName -> "Mr. Alejandro" Use -XViewPatterns to enable view patterns This problem arises because view patterns are not part of the Haskell 2010 specification, but rather an extension made by GHC developers. For that reason, you are asked to explicitly enable compatibility with this extension. You can do so adding special options to the compiler or interpreter, but the suggested approach is to add a pragma to the file.

It should be remarked here that a function may have more than one type parameter, and each of them will take its value independently from the others. ParamPoly> :t fst fst :: (a, b) -> a When you supply a concrete tuple to fst, the type of (a, b) is inferred from the types within that tuple. For example, you can supply the tuple ([3,8], "Hello"), and the type (a, b) becomes ([Integer], Char). There is no special syntax, apart from type parameters, for writing polymorphic functions. When you do not use a value in a way in which its type plays a role (for example, pattern matching on its possible constructors), Haskell will infer a parametric type.

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Beginning Haskell. a project-based approach by Mena A.S.
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