By Franz Baader
The refereed complaints of the nineteenth overseas convention on computerized Deduction, CADE 2003, held in Miami seashore, FL, united states in July 2003. The 29 revised complete papers and seven approach description papers provided including an invited paper and three abstracts of invited talks have been conscientiously reviewed and chosen from eighty three submissions. All present facets of automatic deduction are mentioned, starting from theoretical and methodological concerns to the presentation of recent theorem provers and platforms.
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G(x1 , . . , xj−1 , zik , xj+1 , . . , xm ) ] / V(D) for all i. , n}, zi ∈ be the set of rules used in this reduction and let Var g,f (α) = {i | xi ∈ V(D)}. With exceptions, now dbl is also compatible with “+” and len is compatible with app. Note that in Def. 8, g can also be a symbol of FT . For instance, s is compatible with len. We obtain C = 0 and D = s(0) for α1len and C = D = s(✷) for α2len . So for both len-rules α, Rule s,len (α) = ∅ and Var s,len (α) = ∅. Similarly, in Ex. 2, “+” is compatible with “∗” on argument 1 and on argument 2.
Fd is a compatibility sequence on arguments j1 , . . ,fd (α) = ∅, for all 1 ≤ i ≤ d − 1 and all fd -rules α ∈ / Exc fd−1 ,fd ∗ • r = f1 (p∗1 , f2 (p∗2 , . . fd−1 (p∗d−1 , fd (x∗ , qd∗ ), qd−1 ) . . , q2∗ ), q1∗ ), ∗ where x are variables on fd ’s inductive positions which do not occur elsewhere in r, and fi (p∗i , fi+1 (. ), qi∗ ) |ji = fi+1 (. ) for all 1 ≤ i ≤ d − 1 • Rule fd (α) = {α} and Pos fd (α) = {i | V(si ) ∩ V(C) = ∅, i non-inductive}, for all fd -rules α : fd (s1 , . . ), . . ,fd (α)}, / Exc fd−1 ,fd for all 1 ≤ i ≤ d − 1 and all fd -rules α ∈ Whether f1 , .
Finally, the decision procedure of the underlying theory can be used to decide the validity of the resulting formulas. 3 Compatibility among Function Definitions Our criteria for decidable equations rely on the notion of compatibility between T -based functions. Definition 7 (T -based Function [12]). A function f ∈ F is T -based iff f ∈ FT or if all rules l → r ∈ R with root(l) = f have the form f (s∗ ) → C[f (t∗1 ), . . , f (t∗n )], where s∗ , t∗1 , . . , t∗n are from Terms(FT , V) and C is a context over FT .
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