By Vít Bojnanský, Agáta Fargasová

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49. , L. europaea DC. − Tree, up to 35 m high, corona conical, aerial, bark smooth, greenish-yellow, greyish-yellow later on. 5 mm, membranous wings 3-5 mm long. Surface smooth, dull, whitish, with reddish-brown spots, wings reddish-brown. 2n = 24. Native to mountains of Europe, in light woodlands, susceptible to pollution; cultivated as ornamental in forests, parks, gardens, town-verdure. Br, Cz, Hu, Mo, Pl, Ro, Sk, Uk. 45. , P. nivea Booth, Strobus strobus Small − Tree, up to 40-50 m high, corona regular, narrowish conical, wide later on.

28 x 18 mm; throughout the Carpathians. 136. Corylus colurna L. − Tree, up to 20-25 m high, corona dense, pyramidal or broadly ovoid. Fruits nutlets, globose, with woody pericarp, apex pointed, hilum large, 15-18 x 18-22 mm. Surface slight furrowed longitudinal, smooth, dull, brown, dirty-yellowish. 2n = 28. Native to southeastern Europe and western Asia; frequently planted in parks as solitary and tree-rows. Br, Cz, Hu, Ro, Sk, Uk. 131. Carpinus caroliniana Walt. , bark blue-grey, leaves elliptical.

Sur. − Tree, robust, up to 35 m high, with a broad tapering corona and red-brown bark. 5-2 mm, membranous wings 7-9 mm long. Surface smooth, dull, dark-brown to nigrescent, wings light-brown. 2n = 24. Native to west North America, one of the most valuable coniferous, 30. Pinus flexilis James, P. reflexa Engelman − Tree, up to 15 m high, corona broad, globose, decompose, cones are columnar. 5 mm, without wings. Surface smooth, dull, greyish-brown with nigrescent spots. Originally growing in western North America, 1500-3600 m elevations; introduced in to 5 CYCADACEAE PINACEAE 23 24 22 21 27 25 26 30 28 29 PINACEAE PINACEAE the Carpathians and rarely planted in rock-gardens, arboretums, botanical gardens.

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Atlas of Seeds and Fruits of Central and East-European Flora by Vít Bojnanský, Agáta Fargasová
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