By De Broglie M.
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Using a superposition of s and p waves for the decay products one easily verifies the existence of an up-down asymmetry explicitly when parity is not conserved, which was how I convinced Lee of the idea. The most-studied weak interaction at that time was p decay. Hundreds if not thousands of experiments on p decay had been performed. Were they consistent with the assumption that parity conservation is obeyed in the strong interactions but not in the weak ones? Fortunately this question can be discussed in concrete terms.
The trouble was that I soon felt I was in a maze and was not sure whether in fact, after so many turns, I was anywhere nearer the goal than when I began. This kind of strategic overview was very depressing, and several times I almost gave up. But each time something drew me back, usually a new tactical trick that brightened the scene, even though only locally. Finally, after about six months of work off and on, all the pieces suddenly fitted together, producing miraculous cancellations, and I was staring at the amazingly simple final result, equation (96) of [52a].
M. McCoy and T. T. 4 'See M. Suzuki, Progress of Theoretical Physics 40, 1246 (1968); T. Asano, Progress of Theoretical Physics 40, 1328 (1968);M. Suzuki and M. E. Fischer, Journal of Mathematical Physics 12,235 (1971). 3M. Kac and J. Ward, The Physical Review 88, 1332 (1952). M. McCoy and T. T. Wu, The Physical Review 155, 438 (1967). Commentary on 1[52d] 17 Letter to E. Fermi dated May 5, 1952 Unpublished C. N. Yang Commelztary [52d] was written while I was visiting the University of Washington in Seattle in the spring and summer of 1952.
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