By Hart Isaacs
Over the last 20 years, the notable advances in imaging suggestions, corresponding to ultrasound and quick or ultra-fast MRI, have resulted in the analysis of a growing number of tumors on the prenatal level. This revised, abundantly illustrated moment version of Tumors of the Fetus and little one: An Atlas offers an up to date account of the scientific and pathological positive factors of neoplastic affliction and tumor-like stipulations within the fetus, neonate, and child and discusses significant tumor reports and situations from in the course of the international. the entire diversity of tumors is roofed, with every one bankruptcy reviewing the occurrence, medical findings, cytogenetics, pathology, radiology, therapy, and diagnosis. The aim is to allow pathologists and clinicians to achieve a transparent figuring out of those lesions in order that an accurate analysis should be completed and applicable therapy, initiated.
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The septa contain spindle cells resembling ovarian stroma, and the cysts are lined by granulosa cells with clear cytoplasm. 36B). Marked nuclear atypia is seen in some tumors accompanied by 5 to 7 mitoses per 10 high-power fields [31,32,34]. The tumor cells and normal Sertoli and granulosa cells stain positively for cytokeratin and vimentin. The spindle cells and normal peritubular myoid and theca externa cells react with vimentin, actin, and focally with desmin [31]. Leydig cells and theca interna cells from normal infant ovaries and testes express only vimentin [31].
12). Blend zones between the pericytoma and hemangioma components are present in infant tumors. 12). 13). The immunohistochemical and electron microscopic findings of congenital hemangiopericytoma are rather nonspecific [34,36,39]. Factor VIII related antigen staining of endothelial cells and vimentin positivity of tumor cells are described [34]. Desmin, S-100 protein, and keratin are nonreactive, and muscle actin (HHF35) stains focally positive [34,41]. Ultrastructural features supportive of the diagnosis are the presence of pericytes with interdigitating cytoplasmic processes, sparse cytoplasmic organelles, moderate numbers of free ribosomes, and few intercellular attachments [34,41].
Luisiri A, Vogler C, Steinhardt G, et al. Neonatal cystic testicular gonadoblastoma: sonographic and pathologic findings. J Ultrasound Med 1991;10:59. 29. Chandra SA, Gilbert EF, Viseskul C, et al. Neonatal intracranial choriocarcinoma. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1990;114:1079. 30. Levy DA, Kay R, Elder JS. Neonatal testis tumors: a review of the Prepubertal Testis Tumor Registry. J Urol 1994;151:715. 31. Groisman GM, Dische MR, Fine EM, et al. Juvenile granulosa cell tumor of the testis: a comparative immunohistochemical study with normal infantile gonads.
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