By David Jasper (eds.)
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It is difficult to known if this is an example of substituting an equivalent cultural effect - atomic holocausts, perhaps, and dustbowls in the Midwest - or merely the kind of lack of attention to exact wording that we have already noted as characteristic of modern translation theory. ' When we read the Bible, we do not take on a patchwork of piecemeal concepts to be matched with supposed equivalences; we enter into a changing yet selfsubsistent world that we can only learn to understand from inside.
14 The King James translators had the added sanction of the Catholic translators of the Rheims and Douai Bibles - the Old Testament, by the latter group, had only just finally appeared after a 27-year delay in 1609 - who had attacked their Protestant rivals for softening the hard places, whereas they themselves, they claimed, 'religiously keep them word for word, and point for point, for fear of missing or restraining the sense of the holy Ghost to our phantasie'. Thus John Boyes, a fellow of St John's College, Cambridge, who was both a translator of a section of the New Testament for the Authorised Version and a member of the final revision panel, recorded in his notes that he and his committee had been careful to preserve ambiguities in the original text.
Must present the message in such a way that people can feel its relevance (the expressive element in communication) and can then respond to it in action (the imperative function). (pp. 22, 24) The motor which drives this theory is the priority of meaning, 'it is the content of the message which is of prime importance for Bible translating' (p. 13). Certainly the sophistication of linguistic theory by which Nida and Taber undergird the priority of meaning is modem and a new development in Bible translation, but the priority of meaning or content as the focus of translation in not new.
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