By James F Schooley

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However, the state of the art of thermometery is constantly changing. New techniques and standards are being developed to further simplify and maintain accuracies during the calibration process. S. Army. EXERCISES FOR LESSON 2 1. The triple point of water is also called the equaphase of water, because water A. B. C. D. becomes a solid at 30øF. 01000øC. coexists with other elements. coexists as liquid and a solid at various temperatures, above 40øC. 2. What must be done to prevent the formation of gas pockets in the thermometer well of the equaphase cell?

S. Army Materiel Readiness Command, Redstone Arsenal. b. 1˚¸C resolution. Ranges shall be selectable with front panel switch. (2) Display: Minimum four (4) digits plus sign, decimal and unit ID. (3) Sample Rate: Minimum, 2 readings per second. 05˚¸ at 0˚¸C. 1 resolution (7) Calibration Resistors: Display unit has integral switch actuated 32˚¸F (0˚¸C) and 572˚¸F (300˚¸C) calibration resistors. (8) Reliability: Mean time between failure (MTBF) - 4200 hours. A failure is defined as any malfunction that occurs to place an operational position outside of the defined specifications.

10. What are the secondary reference temperature standards? A. B. C. D. Equiphase cell and hot bath Ice point standard and equiphase cell Thermocouple, mercury in glass thermometer and the resistance thermometer Thermocouple, mercury in glass thermometer equiphase cell and the cold bath 11. What is done to eliminate gas bubbles in mercury and glass thermometers with expansion chambers? A. Heat thermometer bulb with open flame until bubbles are joined. Carefully tap thermometer against pad of paper or against palm of hand.

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Thermometry by James F Schooley
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