By Donald Hamilton
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After all, he told himself, he did not know anything at all about the girl, except that she had too little luggage and too much money, and that somebody was following her. He looked around and saw, through the grimy window, the coupe on the far side of the highway, still over the pit where he had left it. A sedan stopped outside the diner, arriving from the west; two people got out, came to the door, and entered. Emmett realized that he was staring and turned deliberately away to drink his coffee.
She thrust the bills back into her purse and started for the car. "Do you mind driving now, Mr. " "Not a bit/' "I think I'll try to take a nap in back/' she said. "I've got a sphtting headache. Oh, you took your th in gs. . /' He saw her look at the trunk. "Yes/' he said quickly. "I got out a blanket in case you'd want it. " She hesitated, studied his face for a moment, and said, "Thank you/' and climbed over the folding seat into the rear of the car. As he got behind the wheel he could see her, in the rear-view mirror, carefully folding her jacket and laying it up behind the seat with her hat and purse; then as carefully removing her earrings, not puUing them off but unscrewing the tiny clamps until the gold blossoms fell into her hand.
Coffee to take out," Emmett said. "Sugar and cream. " The man filled the order and stood in front of Emmett, fitting the cover to the cardboard cup. "Must have been kind of a rough party," he said. " "You and me both," Emmett said mechanically. "Funny how the big girls always go for the peewees. Say, do you know a five-letter word. . " He took out his pencil and hurried to the comer. "Twenty cents," he said. " Emmett looked at tlie quarter in his hand, grimaced, put it down, and went out. The highway was, momentarily, quite deserted.
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