By De Robigne Mortimer Bennett

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It wm the grand cent& idea or mode1 after which were patterned neariy all the gods of olden time. The sun-worship was the foundation of ail the more inteliigen% kinds of worship which man has engaged in. TO induce him to be gracious and send good seasons,bountiful crops, and good health, he was prayed to and r0verentIy worshiped Sacrifices were m&e to him, and offerings of all kinds of animals, and even of human beings, were made to him. Man had progressed to such a limited extent that he still believed that all nature’s forces were actuated, as observed, by good or bad beings, and to keep all those gods and devils placated and a~ peased kept poor superstitious man extremely busy.

The present denizens of the savannah ; but a sight never seen elsewhere. All the beasts &longing to the Eocene formation of the Tertiary period, the progenitors of the Siberian mammoth and the mighty mastodon. ” Dr. he skeleton of the mastodon, and the same is now in the British Museum. d some stone axes. killed the huge beast where they found him mired in the soft earth. , in 1840, stone arrowheads were discovered together with the bones of an entire skeleton of a mastodon. They were found in a layer of vegetable mould, which was covered twenty feet in thickness with nlternate layers of sandstone, clay, and gravel.

We emu&c her in many ways, but always to fail ; and when we have no desire of emulation, we are still ready in most cases to admire. ated to exercise upon their civilization. NTRODUCTTON. 49 lief of his interests being the special care of a d&y that the husbantlmnn sowed his seed, and watched the vieiasitudes of its growth ; that the sailor and trader intrusted life and In-of-‘crty to tile capricious 3ca, The me&nnic traced the skill and handicraft, which grew unconsciously upon him by the practice, to the direct influence of a god.

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The Gods and Religions of Ancient and Modern Times by De Robigne Mortimer Bennett
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