By Architecture Technology Corp. (Auth.)
Please notice it is a brief book. This document presents an perception into the expertise and operation of either the 1 Mbps and 10 Mbps StarLAN [IEEE 10BASE-T] and information numerous seller choices of StarLAN items. part I bargains with StarLAN operation and part II covers StarLAN items that have been felt major to this zone
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25 networks, such as AT&T's ACCUNET Packet Service, Defense Data Network (DDN), Tymnet, Datapac, and Telenet. 25 public data networks (PDN) via the ISN. Access to the IBM System 370 environment is provided through IBM 37X5 FEPs configured with NPSI and ΝΤΟ. 21 BIS. 25 endpoints and vice-versa for two-way communication. 7 Network Management ISN's star topology provides for centralized control of the operations of the network. ISN's system management features include: • capacity for network expansion, device rearrangement, and module addition and deletion without disruption of network service as a whole, • rapid automatic notification of faults and their location, down to the level of replaceable modules, and 37 The StarLAN Technology Report • secure non-volatile storage of configuration and fault data in the event of power failure, with automatic system recovery when power is restored.
SDUs also allow use of spare pairs in voice system cables for data transmission. • Balun coils are coaxial cable adapters used to connect IBM 3270-series terminals and cluster controllers to SYSTIMAX PDS wiring. By making the 3270 devices compatible with the modular twisted-pair station distribution system, device rearrangement is easier and less costly. Now, instead of having to install new coax cable to move a terminal, users can simply rearrange circuits at the cross connect using SYSTIMAX PDS patch cords.
New security characteristics take effect immediately. , is included with the 10NET Plus LAN OS. Users can send mail to individuals or groups and respond to messages without leaving their current applications. Messages are fully encrypted for security. From anywhere on the network, the user can check file and memory resources, the status of network nodes, and device availablity. An audit log records user activity, and a debug program allows users to finetune applications. Interactive utilities provide access to all available resources.
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