By Scott Foresman, Dr. Timothy Cooney, Michael Anthony DiSpezio
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Tadpole (tad'p6l),a very young frog or grow toad grow and breathe with lungs. air. Young Tadpole Frog Frog eggs hatch At Frog Eggs Frogs lay many eggs at a time. first in water. the tadpole has gills and swims about, looking for food. The eggs contain food for the embryos. OlderTadpole Adult Frog When it the frog breathes with is fully its grown, lungs. The back legs start to grow first. Then the front legs grow. The tail becomes smaller and smaller. The lungs It start to develop. also gets oxygen through its Some frogs live on land and some live both on land skin.
2. What are three ways seeds can be scattered? 3. Describe the life cycle of a flowering life cycle of a conifer. plant. 4. Describe the 5. Sequencing Place the following sequence in the life words in the correct cycle of a flowering plant: seedlings, seeds, germination, growth and pollination. becomes The Chapter 1 Review Chapter Main Ideas Lesson 1 Roots hold a plant • tightly in soil and take water and minerals the plant needs • from the Stems hold up the and Reviewing Science Words and Concepts Write the or phrase that best completes each sentence.
Do not have hard eggs animals, frogs for shells. The Babies of other animals, such as dogs and cats, develop inside the mother's body. About twenty-one days after the egg is laid, the chick starts to hatch. beak through the linings and into the pokes shell air It its space. shell with tooth on pecks at the It a special egg its beak. The chick pushes hard against the shell. The shell finally breaks and the wet chick comes out. Soon the chick dries out and looks for food. Lesson 1. Which most 1 Review kinds of animal babies change the as they grow?
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