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See Figure 2 for proper opener orientation. Improper orientation will make opening impossible. (7) Wearing the DT-648. The holder with the card enclosed should normally be worn on the front of the trunk of the body. Attachment to the front of the body can be accomplished by one of two methods (shown in Figure 3): (a) The belt loops on the back of the card holder can be used to place it on a belt; for neutron monitoring, this is the only method authorized; (b) An attachable strap can be used to attach it to a pocket flap or lapel.
Activities required to perform neutron area monitoring may request the BAM from the Naval Dosimetry Center. 6-7. Extremity Monitoring (1) A limited number of personnel, particularly those in nuclear medicine, radiation therapy and some industrial applications, handle large quantities of radioactive substances in the routine performance of their job. To assure appropriate radiation protection practices are followed and to evaluate exposure to extremities, the Naval Dosimetry Center provides and evaluates the EXT RAD-100 finger ring dosimeter (see Figure 5).
7) Naval Exposure Registry Summary Report. By the end of the second quarter of each year the Naval Dosimetry Center shall prepare a summary report of the exposures received from Navy and Marine Corps sources and forward the report to Chief, BUMED. The report shall include the total person-rem, exposure profiles in 100 mrem increments (number of people exposed per exposure increment), and an exposure trend analysis for Navy as a whole and by occupational code. The report shall also include the total number of people exposed, the total number of activities reporting exposure and a narrative summary of any exposures exceeding the exposure limits.
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